Thank you for spreading love around the world. You can download your free e-card* here. You can choose from two sizes. The big one is for print and the smaller one is for sending by email. Click on the link below. You will see the illustration in a new tab. Right-click on the illustration and choose “save image as”. Now you are ready to send it to your loved ones!
When they receive the card, they can scan the QR code and read the story.


* This artwork is protected by law and is not allowed to be exploited or sold without permission of the illustrator


mireille van yperen

Since 1995 I have been working as a graphic designer and web designer. At first as an employee but since 2003 I'm working in my own company. In addition to graphic design, pre-press, and web design, I also illustrate children's books. As a side project, I have written, illustrated, and published nine picture books myself, which are available at Amazon. I'm originally from The Netherlands but moved to Oregon in 2022.

Fun facts: Crazy about tea, chocolate, and traveling. My cat is called Kip which confuses the street because Kip in Dutch means Chicken.

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