The lovely Lisa, from Pennsylvania, USA, contacted me with the question if I also work with singer/songwriters. As long as it’s legal and is in line with my core values, I work with everybody. She experienced issues with another web designer who took her money...
“How my client went from 0 to a 6-figure income in less than four weeks.” Lately, I’ve been seeing so many ads promising millions if you attend their free masterclass or buy the book. These false promises make me want to scroll by even faster. You...
Besides layout and book design, brochure design, magazine design, and catalog design, I’m regularly asked to prepare a file for print. De Schrijfschool asked me to help them to format their booklet with 7 winning stories. They regularly publish the winning...
“When you order today, you get this book/calendar/package for free!” Ooh! You think, that’s interesting. Free is always good, right? You enthusiastically press the order button, which leads you into a loop of information and questions. You keep...
As I write this article, the riots in France are a daily reality. The French have always been temperamental people. Don’t touch their French language, cuisine, or history. Live La France! The journey to France is all about the era of kings, princesses,...