Picture book ‘I Can Swim Too’

Picture book ‘I Can Swim Too’

Dr. Lisa Grass had a dream for a long time to write and publish a picture book. She just had no idea where to start or how to do it, so she sent me a message asking for advice. We scheduled a Zoom meeting in which she shared her idea and was able to ask questions...
Ad for business magazine

Ad for business magazine

Smartics is a Dutch tech-company what has been a client since the start of the company. I created their logo, their website, and their branding. With all that information, they can do a lot themselves but sometimes they still need me for an extra design. For example,...
Job ad for Accountant Agency

Job ad for Accountant Agency

An accountant agency in the Netherlands was desperately looking for new people to hire. They contacted me to create an outstanding design that will attract the right people for the job. I made the ad more personal by adding the CEOs of the company in their branding....
Picture book Carlos de Gekko

Picture book Carlos de Gekko

The publishing duo of A House of Legends contacted me after they found my website via Google. They were looking for help with the design of the new picture book Carlos the Gekko, written and illustrated by Kaj and Joeri Gorgels. In a first meeting I answered many of...
Number 1 best-selling management book cover design

Number 1 best-selling management book cover design

We all know the phrase: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. However, the cover is the first thing a reader sees and has a huge impact on whether the reader wants to know more and picks up the book (or opens the blurb online) or walks on and never looks at it...
Poster design Rouw in je Rugzak

Poster design Rouw in je Rugzak

Sometimes you just need some extra promotional material to grab the attention of your target group and a website alone is not enough. That was also the case for the Dutch coaches of Rouw in je Rugzak. Marie-Louise and Patricia Harmsen discovered that there is still no...
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