It has been more than ten years since Françoise from DUOINLOG contacted me because she needed help with a new website and logo. I started working for her at the time and she still uses the unique logo we created in all her communications. The website was a different story, it was made with the latest techniques at the time, was now very outdated, and even ran in an ancient PHP environment.

Over the years, Françoise occasionally sent an email that we should update the website, but she always had more important jobs to do than updating her website. Until her provider sent her an email that they were going to upgrade the PHP environment and her website would not survive. And so she was forced to finally take a look at her website.

With only a few days left before the transition to a higher version of PhP, I started working with the minimal information I had. I transformed the website into a new website that was more in keeping with the times. Now that Françoise was enthusiastic about the result, she enthusiastically started looking through old texts and information that needed to be adjusted.

Looks a lot better this way. And what a job!

For now, we can at least breathe a sigh of relief that her website will not crash as soon as the old PhP environment is removed.

Do you also need help creating a website or are you looking for someone who can create a logo or corporate identity with you? Please feel free to contact contact so that we can discuss the options within your budget.

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